Mar 29Liked by Stephanie

I love this! How special that sense of home is and all that it holds.

I also love soup, a big veggie soup is up there with my all time favourite foods. And can completely relate to having children that are so different to each other and how home education has evolved so much from what I initially thought it would look like but it’s been absolutely perfect for my individual children and our needs. What a magical life it is in so many ways even through the day to day normality! πŸ’—

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Yes it is magic. Wouldn't want it any other way. Thanks Laura ✨

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What poetry there is in having a pile of holes and tears to mend while new creations are unfolding! And what lovely pumpkins and quinces you have. We're almost exactly opposite to you in time of year; our planting season is just beginning, and I'm nose to the earth many mornings searching for peeping sprouts.

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Wishing you a bounty of green shoots and subsequent harvests to come Jan πŸ’«

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Saving this to read properly later, but I love your gratitude list, and we read The Farm That Feeds Us a few years ago and I thought it was so good.

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Thank you Catherine. We just dipped into this morning and I'm looking forward to reading a few chapters a day as we work through this unit. The illustrations are so lovely ☺️

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Mar 26Liked by Stephanie

I loved the whole letter, but your list of gratitude was so heartwarming and energizing! Thank you for writing ☺️

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Thank you for reading Kelly.

And for your words of encouragement, it is so appreciated 😊

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